An Introduction to Seek His Kingdom

Introduction to the Introduction

It’s only appropriate that I start this blog with an introduction. I want you to know why I’m here so you’ll know if you’re in the right spot. If you want a short intro explaining what this site is all about, you can read that by clicking here. For all of you who like reading…read on.

My Life Before Christ

Growing up under Catholic tradition didn’t leave much room for faith. Instead, it’s a bunch of harsh rules that essentially pave your path to hell.

That’s where my story started. Even still, I maintained a relationship with God and often found myself having lengthy talks with Him through the tougher times of my youth.

Unfortunately, that bit of peace was soon taken from me. The two people I looked up to the most questioned my belief in God. Of course, I wanted to fit in, so I went along with their “logic” that claimed there is no God.

Without a firm understanding of the peace and love God offered, and with essentially only seeing the doom and gloom of Catholicism, I was quickly turned on to atheism. It was easy for my mind to start focusing on all the negative in my life. “God really let this happen to me? He must not be real.”, I thought.

Ironically, my life without God was more negative than ever. Through many dark years, I struggled to find any meaning in my life. Relationships were short, jobs were never satisfying; I felt lost and of no value. Toward the end of this atheism bender, I opened up to my wife, Rose.

She recognized the sadness in my eyes and asked me what was going on. For the first time ever, I laid out the big secret. I had suicidal thoughts leading all the way back to childhood. More recently, I imagined ways to commit suicide almost on a daily basis. Every drive home from work was an opportunity to look for a tree to wrap my car around. As far as I saw, it was the only reasonable option.

Rose told me what I needed. “You need Jesus.”, she said with assurance. I didn’t want to hear it. In fact, that statement only made me more angry.

How I Came to Christ

My wife grew up in a Christian household. Her dad served as a pastor for a number of years, and the whole family was a church-going group of prayer warriors. Thankfully, that meant that even through my atheist days, Rose wanted to go to church. And how I was raised, a husband and wife stick together.

I supported Rose in attending church. In fact, there were even weeks where I was the one pushing to go – not because I wanted to, but because I saw how joyful it made her.

I accompanied her to church regardless of my feelings about it. In all honesty, I was repulsed by the worship music and bored by the sermons. Not to mention, there were plenty of times I was convicted by the pastor’s words. As an unbeliever, that only inspired anger instead of a desire to change. Or so I thought.

About two years into attending Christian Faith Fellowship Church with Rose, I started becoming curious about Christianity. The feeling came out of nowhere, and I still can’t explain it to this day. All those convicting sermons must have created within me a desire to change.

A week after that curiosity hit, I raised my hand at the end of service when pastor did the altar call. As Rose and I walked to our car after service, I explained to her, “Don’t get too excited. I’m still not sure.” Well, by the end of that same month I had repented and verbally accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Funny story about that, actually. Pastor Tom has a certain way of doing the altar call, and it was seemingly identical each and every week for the two years I had been attending. Curious as I was getting, I prayed right before the altar call on the day I ended up raising my hand. In that prayer, I asked God to have Pastor Tom say something specific. My childish way to prove God hears me.

It was also my way out of admitting that all those years of ignorant, arrogant atheism were…well…ignorant and arrogant. There was NO WAY he was going to change his altar call because of my last minute prayer of desperation.

Well, God hears our prayers. God also does not wish that any of us perish, but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So, as you may have guessed, Pastor Tom said exactly what I needed to hear to convince me it’s time to change.

My Life After Christ

I was immediately on fire for God. Reading through the New Testament, I was full of questions. I wanted to grow in knowledge and understanding. Before long, I asked one of the most important questions of my life: “Can I get baptized?”

All my life, I thought you only get baptized as a baby. As I read God’s Word rather than relying on a priest’s interpretation of it, I saw the actual meaning and purpose behind baptism. I was making a public declaration to show how God is transforming me from the inside. It was obedience by confessing with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believing in my heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). It was entering into a relationship with our Creator.

Since childhood, I always enjoyed writing. And since accepting Christ, I really enjoyed His freedom. Put the two together, and I jumped into my first blog, Cathartic Christian. Unfortunately, I was so new to the grace of God and more familiar with the condemnation of law-based religion. My articles held that trend and didn’t accomplish much more than pointing out all the sin in this world.

Suffice it to say, that blog didn’t last long, and my focus changed to serving in a more direct way. After taking membership classes at my church, I was called on to the security team. I served with that team for a little over a year into the beginning of COVID. Not to take anything away from the amazing job they do, but I wanted more.

Quick background: I have a bachelor’s degree in exercise science and a master’s degree in sport management. Most of my professional career up to this point has been as a strength and conditioning coach for youth athletes. With that background, I thought I’d launch a small group running boot camps through the church. I got the necessary paperwork together and presented the idea.

FAST (Faith and Sports Training) was going to be HUGE! The small group coordinator (Isolina) told me that her husband (John, the youth pastor) has been wanting to do something like this with the teens. She suggested I speak with him about it to work something out, so that’s what I did. How cool is this?! I get to use my degree to serve my church!

John loved the idea, and FAST was launched soon after. I ran the teens through boot camps once a week during their open gym nights and they couldn’t get enough!

I got closer with the youth team through running these boot camps and was invited to be a leader/driver for that year’s mission trip to Boston. Admittedly, I was hesitant to accept. I realized I’d be leaving Rose, who was pregnant at the time, and our daughter at home for about a week. But, in classic Rose fashion, she convinced me to go.

My First Mission Trip

I didn’t have the pleasure of experiencing short term mission trips with the youth from my church. Probably because there was no youth. And as far as I can recall, there were no mission trips. I had no idea what to expect.

I could write a novel about the experience. These teens are ON FIRE for God! It was such a spirit-filled week and an otherwise eye-opening experience. The trip also allowed me to get to know the youth I have been serving for a few months at this point. And it allowed them to get to know me.

Out of that experience came the admission by at least one teen that they despised FAST. What used to be a fun hang out was now a brutal workout. They wanted nothing to do with it.

So, while the mission trip was a huge success, FAST came to a screeching halt.

Every End Brings a New Beginning

As my Thursday night gym ministry disappeared almost as fast (no pun intended) as it began, it was time to make a choice. Do I continue this leadership role with the youth ministry, or take a step back now that my first plan failed?

There was no denying the power of God working through the teen ministry, and there was no way I was ready to leave that behind. Not to mention, at this point, the other teen leaders and the youth pastor are some of my best friends. I’m all in!

Through my time with the teens, I’ve been blessed with the opportunities to share devotionals, give testimonies of God’s goodness, talk them through tough times, and much more. As I write this in November of 2024, I’ve gone on two more mission trips, both to the Los Angeles DreamCenter. The most recent one (this past July) is what lit the fire for Seek His Kingdom to begin.

Really? Another Blog?

One of the big requirements on these mission trips is to come up with a devotional to share with the group. Something God has done in your life or a verse you’ve been meditating on – just a little something to show God’s goodness. This is a task left to the youth, but I felt inclined to share a little something with everyone.

The plane ride there was my time to focus in on where God wanted me. I studied Scripture and prayed for His direction. With my arms open to whatever He had in store for me, I got a clear nudge.

The idea of writing or blogging or anything along those lines hasn’t been on my mind in years. With a wife, 3 kids, and my owner-operated home improvement business, I don’t really look around for new hobbies to add to my sometimes non-existent free time.

Yet, clear as day, He was leading me to write a blog. I questioned it, fought it, and ignored it for weeks.

“Is this really what You want, God?!”

“Don’t You remember the first one went nowhere?!”

“Will You guide me through this?”

“What if it fails? Did I fail You?”

I had so many questions. The only answer I got was, “Just start”.

Seek His Kingdom is Born

I shared the idea of Seek His Kingdom with a few people, who all gave it the thumbs up. Reassurance after reassurance, I had no choice but to get it going.

I came up with a plan, a logo, and a URL then got to work on building the site. On top of that, I asked God for help to get some words on the page (like the post you’re reading right now). The rest is (recent) history. A tweek here, and adjustment there, and BOOM! The site is launched.

What is “Seek His Kingdom” About

Throughout the development of this site, some Scripture came to mind that I felt needed to be a big part of this journey.

Romans 6:13 (AMP)
‘Do not go on offering members of your body to sin as instruments of wickedness. But offer yourselves to God [in a decisive act] as those alive [raised] from the dead [to a new life], and your members [all of your abilities—sanctified, set apart] as instruments of righteousness [yielded] to God. ‘

God blessed me with the ability and interest in writing, so now I can use it to serve as an instrument of righteousness.

Romans 10:17 (AMP)
‘So faith comes from hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the [preaching of the] message concerning Christ. ‘

This isn’t a place where I’ll sugarcoat His word to fit pop culture. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His truth is THE truth.

Galatians 5:25 (AMP)
‘If we [claim to] live by the [Holy] Spirit, we must also walk by the Spirit [with personal integrity, godly character, and moral courage—our conduct empowered by the Holy Spirit]. ‘

This is my way of showing the Holy Spirit working through me.

Matthew 5:16 (AMP)
‘Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven. ‘

My hope is that what I share with you on this site encourages you to build a stronger relationship with our Savior.

And, of course:

Matthew 6:33 (AMP)
‘But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also. ‘

Thank You!

Thank you for all of the encouragement to make this site finally happen!

Aside from God Himself, I’d like to personally thank Rose. As soon as I brought the idea up to her, she said, “That’s great, baby! I will only support you through that! You’re an amazing writer.” Perhaps she’s biased, but love believes all things! So, thank you!

I look forward to being a vessel of His Spirit, and hope this site helps you and all those around you grow closer to God.


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