My Lord and Father, You have given me an immense responsibility to raise my children, whom You have so graciously rewarded me with. The world expects us to let the world raise them, but You give us parents that responsibility for ourselves.
The world tells us to work hard now so we can enjoy our spoils later. But You ask us to prioritize the responsibility of training up our children. Help me to prioritize what is most important to You. Help me to guard my children from any stumbling blocks.
Your Word leads us away from idols, and I understand that anything can become an idol. Work, my cell phone, and even money can become an idol, but You warn us that we cannot serve two masters.
Help me to set You as top priority so that I can better serve my children. Allow me to live as an example for my children, showing them how to glorify our Creator in all that we do.
Lord, I pray that You bless me with the godly wisdom and strength to raise my children to seek Your kingdom and righteousness above all else. I pray that You open their hearts to receive godly and righteous instruction. I pray that You guard their hearts and minds from all the evil in this world.
I thank You for rewarding me with children, and I trust You to help me point them toward You each day. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.
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